Sunday, 13 May 2012

Sota Trade Show in Canberra

Over the last few weeks the hard working crew at Expedition Equipment having been busy preparing for SOTA, the outdoor industries trade show, to display their products to prospective retailers from around the country. I was lucky enough to be in Canberra over the weekend and was able to spend a few hours on the stand with them.

The show was HUGE, far bigger than I expected but what I noticed was a distinct lack of climbing gear. As I looked around the hall I saw endless amounts of head torches, socks, camping equipment and rain proof jacket, but does anyone still care about climbing?

The Expedition Equipment crew not just displayed climbing gear, their stand absolutely rocked! Sure they had some camping goodies like the awesome Exped Downmats and tents, but they had loads of the best climbing gear from Red Chili, Wild Country, Moon, Grivel, Sterling, DMM, BeastMaker and Prana!!

They even had Chris Rowlands out from DMM U.K at the show to give an insight into quality engineering and manufacturing that DMM do.

Thats what I love about being part of this team, it's more than shoes and a chalk bag. Sure it doesn't hurt getting to use and represent some of the best brands and products out there. Great to see the guys at Expedition Equipment live, breathe and loves climbing just like I do!

Cheers  Andy

for more pictures of the show

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