Tuesday 8 May 2012




'Tis almost the season people. The nights have grown longer, the mornings brisker and the conditions are approaching optimum. I feel that in the next week or two it will be time to call the season officially open. For a change I am a little torn. I have wholeheartedly enjoyed the route renaissance that has been happening out west. The tying in, fear and falls have been fantastic this year. Not to mention ticking off some bangin lines down south, including Demon Flower and Wild Orchid (Both 30). Feeling a genuine ability to recover on reasonable holds has been a dramatic change and has enhanced my enjoyment of the entire experience no end. So, a big thanks to all those peeps with whom I have passed the last few months, it's been real, but it is time for me to bid you adieu and return to my natural habitat for another season, The Blocs... So, until those nights shorten, the mornings begin a slow simmer and conditions approach sub-optimum, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. You know where to find me!

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