Victoria the place to be?....I have traded the much loved peppermint cottage in the sleepy town of Mitre for the hustle and bustle of Natimuk, taking up residency in the pink palace smack bang in the center of town. Somalia is still dishing out a good hard spanking with feelings of dejection I decided to keep spirits high by roaming some more obscure areas in the Gramps, Scoop Rocks where I climbed the HB mega classic the Honey Moon Is Over a grade 27 finger crack with the infamous vagina move if you haven't done it I highly recommend it although its wise to tape up your digits as its a bit of a bone crusher. Then we checked out the tower where I choked at a gallant onsight attempt of the overhanging Super Gadget, a bettter version of Monkey Puzzle really. Back at Araps I climbed a old Chris Shephard project on back wall of the pharos that was equipped in the dark ages it combines all the best bits of the back wall girdling through all the classics lets call it a link up! Treat Them Mean Keep em Keen 29 its really a must do.
The rest of my time at araps was spent sniffing flowers on a plethora of moderate gems until I dragged my trusty belay partner up to the bluffs to dog around on Sean Myles project this compression session has 17 brutal sequential movements that must rank as the most enjoyable moves I have come across in my 16 years climbing I can froth all day about this one, I will be back with a little more power endurance up my sleeve.
I then hooked up with home boy Rosie Cotton, and Jules for some climbing in the southern Gramps, staying at Buandik for one week Rosie, and I tramped the cultivation creek on a not so restful restday finding oodles of cool shit to do. But our main objective was to sample the amazing cave formations of Muline, I had a blast gazing up looking at endless futuristic lines of potential possibilities gobsmacking. One week was spent here climbing as many of Mulines classics as possible with occasional detour up some bushy gullies looking at three star sand stone. Zac
Treat Them Mean Keep em Keen 29 photo Max Farr
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