Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Whistling Kite Monique sends another big number...

Queensland classic went down....

Sterling climber Monique Forestier climbs Whistling Kite (32)! This iconic Australian trad test-piece is located at Frog Buttress in South East Queensland and was first climbed in 1988 by Paul Smith. Monique’s send is only the sixth ascent of the route and breaks a 5 year drought of tickage. Due to the difficulty of placing the gear on lead, all of the current ascents have been done with preplaced gear, as the thin seam that bisects the beautiful bulletproof buttress is lacking face holds and makes for extremely blatancy super technical climbing with not too many spots to stop and place protection. 

“it’s like a slippery snake; it’s hard to get a hold of it and it’s ever harder to keep a hold of it, you are either on, or you are off, there is no in-between”, says Monique.

With the small window to climb the route, as the sun hits the face at 9am, it allows only a couple of shots per day. After pushing to her high point higher, and higher each day and working out those finite details of body positioning Monique was successful on her 10th day! Another job well done.....

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