Its been a long time since I’ve logged on and updated my blog, its not because I haven’t been out and about at the crags and its not because I don’t like telling a good yarn about a great day out at the cliff. To tell the truth I’ve been a little scared.
Rewind April 1st 2012 and I was
under the knife of a surgeon, having the long head of the bicep re-attached to
the bone and the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons having an inch long
tear across them sewn back together. It was 3 months with my arm in a sling
with passive movement only. My physio had done an awesome job at getting my
shoulder back to a full range of movement. I was then able to get into the
strengthening exercises, all going well I was allowed to start back to climbing
in another 3 months.
Between months 5 and 6 I embarked on some "Vertical therapy"
This was the first time back on the rope and discovering the arete that would become Star Gazer
A day under 6months I had a day off, the
weather was awesome and my shoulder was feeling strong so I headed out to the
crag. I had no plans, I was still unsure if I should pull on but I thought I
would just see who was out. I walked into Centennial Glen and then onto Wave
Wall. Luckily enough some friends were there. Mark and Sam Berry were out for an
afternoon climb and had their gear on a route called Rubber Lover, perfect!
It’s a great route and knew it like the back of my hand. I took it slow, carefully
loaded my shoulder through each move and made it cleanly to the chains. I was
FROTHING! On one hand I wanted to log straight on and scream out “I’m back”,
but on the other hand I couldn’t. I didn’t want to jinx myself just yet.
My mind was racing with climbing. But what
was keeping me up at night was the moves of some new routes that I had bolted on
the walls of Castle Head, high above the trees of the Jamison Valley. I rapped
and prepared these routes just before I was allowed to start climbing again, I
thought it sounded like a good form of rehab, I could picture every hold in my
head, I just needed to get out and try them but was I ready? On a brisk October
afternoon, insanely pumped but having heaps of fun I did the first 3 routes,
starting with a 22 "Vertical Therapy" then a 25 "I Wish I Was A Multi Pitch" and finishing with a 20. I was barely able to clip
the crux draw on the final route, I had to use every trick in the book to keep
myself attached to the wall, it was really to much fun J
The views of the Blue Mountains are always a good distraction from the pump in your arms "I wish I was a multi pitch" grade 25

So close yet so far, my skin was in need of a few days of recovery after just a few shots on my project "Mr Meangoo" at Diamond Falls
By the time Christmas came around it was
apparent that I was pulling down to hard, but it wasn’t the shoulder that I had
had the operation on. It was time to take time out. I hung up my rope and hoped
onto my bike. After having months and months of last year a few more weeks
weren’t going to hurt.
Luck would have it that a friend of a
friend was out from England, so no better way to get back onto the rock this
time than showing him around some of the classic routes we have to offer here
in the Blue Mountains. Classic arĂȘtes, long multi pitches, the shoulder was
feeling good and I was back again.
The awesome "Guillotine" a 2 pitch 25 at Sublime Point
By April the weather throwing up some
excellent sending conditions I couldn’t help myself, I had to get back out to
Diamond Falls and give my project another go. I had a few days with no luck;
the crux is hard and thin. Really thin with sharp little holds that just tear
at your skin. But then the perfect storm, the conditions were great, my skin
was good and I was psyched. I rapped into the crag with the sound track from
the Real Thing playing at full noise. Every move went perfectly and I was at
the chains, project done, Mr Meangoo grade 31. The end to a perfect day was
beer and pizza in Katoomba.
We didn’t actually go out for beer and pizza after
climbing; rather, going out for beer and pizza was part of climbing.
In June I spent 2 weeks in the Grampians
and at Mt Arapiles, I sent a few hard routes, that was cool. However I think I
had more fun running up Arapiles classics such as Piccolo 11, Horn piece 15,
Voodoo 18 and many more.
At the Nationals 2012, I had just got my arm out of its sling and was psyched to one of the judges for the competition, while looking rad hanging with my good mate Rob LeBreton
After climbing great on the first qualifier
I chocked on the second route. I felt good, but hesitated and stuffed up. I can be run
out on insecure rock and stay composed, why do I get nervous in a comp, was it
nerves of excitement or nerves of expectation. I thought for sure that I would
be watching the finals. Luck was on my side again and I scrapped into the
finals in last place.
I climbed well in the finals, falling on a
tricky sequence in a roof just over half way up the route. It had been tough up
to there and I was sure a few would fall below that point. As each climber fell
I started to get excited, the podium was getting closer. It had been years and
years since I had gone in a comp and it was the first time I had entered the
Nationals and by the end of the night I was standing on the podium with the
silver medal. It’s fair to say I was pretty stoked.
Getting to stand on the podium was a nice surprise
And I’ve finally committed to writing this